
Your typical marketing activities may have fallen by the wayside over the last year when you were forced to rethink how to operate on a daily basis. Regardless of your individual situation, chances are you’re ready for a revival and a refreshed look at your marketing.

Consider including the following when looking at refreshing your marketing:

Branded Collateral
Your printed collateral, such as business cards, letterhead, envelopes and stationery, might be overdue for an update. These materials are often the first impression that a new customer or potential client gets
of your business, so it’s crucial to include them in any marketing update you make.
Direct Mail
Direct mail remains one of the most cost-effective ways to generate new leads and communicate with your customers. Studies show that 42% of recipients read or scan the direct mail they get, so including a campaign in your marketing efforts can go a long way to boost your business.
Custom Signage
Temporary signs can highlight new products or sales, and more permanent options are great for when your brand needs a refresh. In a recent study, approximately 80% of consumers said they entered a business for the first time because of its signage – don’t let these potential clients pass you by!
If you need more help on how to ramp up your marketing efforts, check out this fact sheet for some tips and statistics on how you can realign in the current environment. If you think this may be helpful to a friend or colleague, feel free to forward it on.
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